Diet Program

Achieve your Weight Loss or Clean Muscle Gain with tailor-made meal plan.


1 Month

150 TND

150 TND
Save 0%

-No More Generic and Crash Diet, our custom meal plan is designed to meet your goals, taste and nutrition requirements.

-Weekly Follow up to your progress.

-Diet Meals are well documented and come with amazing design.

1- Filling Out the Form:
private coaching is not a ready-made program designed for general cases, it is a custom program designed for your specific needs and your lifestyle because everyone has his own objective, weight, taste, ... this is why you have to answer to many questions.
2- First contact with your personal trainer:
you will discuss with your coach via whatsapp or phone and he will explain everything in detail, anwser your questions and asks you for some tests(medical,physical,...).
3- Create your First Diet Program:
With all this information we make your first custom plan in 3 to 5 days.
4- Follow Up and Adjusting:
we track your progress every week and adjust your diet plan when it is needed.

Payment Methods: Face-to-Face(Sfax Only), D17, MobiFlous and Bank Transfer.
We send your program in 3 to 5 days after sending us the transfer receipt.
More payment information will be sent via email after filling out the form.

150 TND
5% OFF
What is your Fitness Goal ? ماهو هدفك ؟
Is It Your First Time To Train? هل هذه أوّل مرّة تتدرب فبها ؟
Please select a file
Please select a file
Please select a file
Do you have any injuries? هل لديك اصابات ؟
Where you want to train ? أين تريد أن تتمرن ؟
Do you have any food allergy ? هل لديك حساسيّة من طعام ما ؟
Do you have a chronic disease ? هل تعاني من مرض مزمن ؟
Is it allowed to eat during your work ? هل يسمح لك بتناول الطعام أثناء العمل ؟
What is your budget for the diet ? ماهو مستوى قدرتك الشرائيّة للنظام الغذائي؟
Do you want to use Supplements هل تريد استخدام مكملات ؟
How many meal do you want per day ? كم تريد من وجبة أثناء اليوم ؟
Payment Method وسيلة الدفع
Method1: Go to the nearest Tunisian post and ask them to make Edinar money transfer and give them(Program Cost + 2 TND) and our Card Number (it will be sent after email verification).
Then they will give you the receipt,take a clear picture of it and send it to
Method2: Money Transfer with Edinar Card via D17 app or by mobiblouss
(ooredoo:*112# / orange:*119# / telecom:*104#)
Take a screen shot of success transfer message and send it to
Method3: Bank Transfer.
We send your program within 3 days to your email and whatsapp after sending us Transfer receipt

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